Saturday, August 27, 2016

Drumbeats 2016 and so much more!

SRAC has some really great stuff coming up this fall that I am excited to tell all of you about! 

First we have scheduled our 13th annual Drumbeats Through Time event for Saturday October 15th from 1 - 5pm and we have a great lineup ~ to include our friends Dick Kane and the Buffalo Creek Dancers, this event is always free to attend and our way of celebrating our Native American Past and Present all in one day filled with great presentations, dance and friendships. This year's event will include the chance for you to learn about an excavation underway by SRAC in conjunction with Bloomsburg University that is uncovering some pretty important information about our prehistory of our locality. With that we will also be recruiting volunteers for the following Saturday (October 22nd) and have signups for actually taking part in the excavation we are doing! Last but not least, we will be having a signup for volunteering at the museum and being a part of what we do ALL YEAR ROUND. 

I want to thank all of you for all that you do for SRAC and hope that you will mark your calendars and consider volunteering at our museum a few hours a month - please call me (Deb Twigg) for details at 607-727-3111.  

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