When I get up in the morning, the first thing that I do is let the dogs out, get my coffee, and then sit down at the laptop and check online reports for SRAC. This morning, I thought that all of you might be interested in our online efforts and the results that we are seeing from them.

First - we have a main website
http://www.SRACenter.org. This is the main hub that we have where you learn about us, find videos, newsletters, events, directions, hours, and about our gift shop, exhibits, and how to join or donate. These pages are updated from time to time, but are a steady place that gives everyone an online doorway into SRAC.
Second - we have our blog at http://SRACenter.blogspot.com. This is a more active place - with weekly additions and updates that are about archaeology news, prehistory and history and of course things that are going on at SRAC....I have been posting blogs since November 2007 and I think by doing so, we have built a strong following online. The most recent three articles that I post here are then automatically fed as headlines (and links) on the SRACenter.org and SpanishHill.com websites as well.

The amount and depth of topics that we have covered in these blogs since I began posting is pretty impressive, and people who search for any of those topics online using any search engine can get any of these articles in their search results, where they begin to learn more about SRAC as well.

Third, we have an email feed and facebook page that also serve up each blog posting automatically as I post them.
Fourth, we have a
SRAC Channel on YouTube where I post videos often making this a very useful educational tool and yet another way that online visitors can get to learn more about SRAC. We also feed specific videos to many of the pages on www.SRACenter.org directly from youtube - many in groupings of specific videos that fit that specific page's needs. You can see some of the stats for YouTube page here.
In the end, we use the blog, youtube videos, email feed, and facebook posts to draw in and or keep as many online users up-to-date as possible - and the main website is the online version of our Center that they can visit if they want to get to know more specifics.
Sounds as clear as mud doesn't it?
( ;
Well - the truth is that no matter what your online efforts are - they don't mean a thing if they don't show results!
So let's make some sense of all of this:
In 2011 - SRACenter.org - (our main website) has had 607 visits with 572 visits from the United States. In the graphic below - you can see by the darker green colors that NY and PA are the states with the most visitors - but 32 states actually visited SRAC's website.
So we can see pretty quickly that the interest in SRAC is far outside of our local communities. But how did these people living so far away learn about us and how did they get to the website? 29.16% came directly to our website. 34.10% came from other sites that link to us (including our blog, youtube, facebook, emails, tourism sites, etc...) The largest percentage (36.24%) was traffic that came to us via search engines.
(click to enlarge) But haven't we all searched on a search engine and came to websites that we weren't really interested in? Well - it really amazes me that there are so many people from all around the country were looking for the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center - - SRAC and visiting www.SRACenter.org. When you start to dig into all of this you realize that SRAC is quite well known acrossed the United States!
(click to enlarge)I also use other reporting systems to show me more stats on each page on SRAcenter.org, for instance, this is a report for how people got to our main page:
(click to enlarge)
I can also drill into parts of any of my pages to see "heat maps" that show me what people are clicking on and how much:

All of this helps me to understand what it is about SRAC that people are coming to our website to learn more about us - and what is working and what isn't.
So this posting right now will end up in emails, on website front pages, and on facebook, etc - with the hope that you might just find it informative enough to share this information with others who can in turn find interest in what we are doing as well.
The bottom line is that I have tried to make information about everything that we are doing at SRAC available to our community and around the country. Along with other PR and marketing efforts, these online efforts along with people like you telling others about us, or sharing this information on facebook or in an email is a huge part of how people are learning about us and our mission to preserve the archaeological assets of the Twin Tier region. And for that reason I want to thank all of you that are doing so much for helping us to spread the word about SRAC both online and offline. I can tell you that we are seeing the results of ALL of our efforts by more and more people visiting the Center and our websites every week!
I hope that you found this information helpful in learning more about all we are doing to make SRAC continue to succeed! Please send me feedback using the comments link below: