I wanted to thank all of you who support SRAC and our mission. Our Center has grown so much since 2005 when Ted Keir, Dick Cowles and I only dreamed of it and even having a building too that could house a museum, lecture hall and gift shop.
Inspired by the early excavations and reports of nearly 100 years ago, our ultimate goal has always been to get back out to these sites with modern knowledge and technology and update the information and understanding of our prehistoric and early historic past. I am honored to report that over the last few years we have actually been doing just that. Our team led by Dr. Deeanne Wymer and Dan Caister have made huge discoveries at our first site that will soon be published in both PA and NY Archaeological journals and used by researchers for years to come.
Dr. Wymer and Tom Vallilee overseeing work by Bloomsburg students at our excavation site |
2018 was our second year to offer a Public Archaeology Day where you can actually come out and be a part of our excavation. If you missed it and have a Facebook login, you can watch a great video of the many discoveries that day to include 1,000 year old ELK ANTLERS! here:
The Barbara Sowinski Lab: For those of you who missed the unveiling at our last annual Drumbeats program, the need for a laboratory became evident as we began our excavation work and we were blessed to get a seed matching donation from Barabara Sowinski for our lab which is currently under construction on our second floor. Walls are up, windows are in, lights and electric are in, insulation and ceiling tiles (we are looking for more if you have any that you'd like to donate) being added right now. We need to finish up the floor, add the bathroom and wet lab area then start adding equipment and furniture next. FYI: If not for our Tom Vallilee, I can tell you that none of this could have been achieved as he does most of the labor as a volunteer.
In fact we continue to be
staffed 100% by volunteers, which is an amazing statement for the Center and the people who are working so hard to achieve it's goals every year. Currently, we also have four gift shop volunteers that try their best to keep our doors open 5 days a week. Rose Carpenter, Donna Blanton, Tim Ellis, and newbie Gary Eltringham are hard working, dedicated Center and community members that we all are so lucky to have on our team every week. If you'd like to volunteer at the museum, please contact me to learn more!
It humbles me to report that to date SRAC now has three archaeologists on our staff with the most recent addition of Dave Moyer, who has been with us in the background for many years now. In 2018 Dave, who wears many hats within NYS Archaeology professional and avocational organizations also owns his own Archaeology company in Norwich, NY. We are blessed to have Dave and his knowledge and expertise. He is well respected throughout New York State and within SRAC.
Dave Moyer |
It's also hard to believe that 2018 was our FIFTEENTH "Drumbeats Through Time" event filled with great presentations, our membership annual luncheon, and of course the Kane Family Seneca Traditional Dance exhibition. The Kanes come from the Cattaraugus Seneca Reservation in Erie County, NY and travel a long way to be a part of our annual celebration for over a decade and are part of our SRAC family. We are blessed to have them come every year to share authentic Seneca traditions with us. "Look and listen for the welfare of the whole people and have always in
view not only the past and present but also the coming generations…- The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations"
Part of the Kane Family Traditional Seneca Dance Troupe |
Some of you have asked about the SRAC Journal that was published several times a year in the past. Unfortunately, SRAC's cofounder and board member Susan Fogel has been diagnosed with a quite debilitating health issue and no longer can commit to the Journal. We do however hope to get it back to publication in the future. Thank you for your patience.
Susan Fogel looks down at the excavation underway |
Goals in 2019 include finishing the laboratory and a more accessible library as well as beginning a new site for our excavations and publishing the article on the last site work.
Again I want to thank all of you for supporting SRAC over the years and allowing us to do this important work for our region and PA and NY Archaeology as a whole. I am blessed and honored to be a part of this amazing organization that Ted, Dick and I only dreamed could be just a few years ago.
But without your support, we simply will not be able to continue our work. We do not receive state or federal funding and literally ALL of funding comes from our community.
We do accept antiques, collectables, used furniture that we can sell at the Crooked River Co-op, and 100% of the sale goes back the SRAC as a fundraiser every month. Over the years we have raised quite a bit from generous people that either are cleaning out their garages, shops, homes or estates, and we have volunteers who will come and pick up as well. We also can give you a donation letter for these donations based on market value for your taxes next year. If you have items and or questions, please contact me to learn more.
I hope that you will consider supporting us in 2019. You can donate online via our GoFundMe page here:
or you can download a mail in form here:
To become a member, click here:
Thank you for whatever you can do!
And, please share where you can.
Thanks again for all you do.
Deb Twigg
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