Every time I walk in the SRAC right now at 345 Broad Street Waverly, NY, I cannot believe that we just bought the building on December 4th, 2007 ~ but it is true!
Just a couple of months before that we had walked through the very same building and it looked like this:

Within days of our purchase the work began to first clean the building out and then to begin renovations...and believe me, from the ceiling to the floor, nothing went untouched!

With the help of many SRAC friends, we are proud to tell you that although we will not be finished by any means, we will be ready to open our doors for the Wildlife Rehab presentation by Barb Cole this Thursday from 6:30 - 7:30 pm, and have our gift shop open beginning at 1pm on that same day...
We have been busy setting up and stocking the gift shop for the last couple of days..The Gift Shop alone is 50 feet by 28 feet, so we even had room to set up an area for people to sit down and chat a while before events:

Along with historical books and educational information which we sell from our online gift shop, we are adding alot of new items that we are very excited to be able to bring to downtown Waverly...

We will have alot of children's items as well as original photos and paintings by local artists...items include educational kits, different minerals, geodes, sand dollars, jewelry, and a whole lot more!

Lastly, we are just finishing the final coats on the back lecture area floor and getting ready to lay down the stage/platform.

I hope that you can come in and see the place this Thursday for the Wildlife Rehab night or in the near future. I find the positive and exciting atmosphere contagious...and I think you will too!
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