Monday, March 8, 2010

SRAC :The River Runs Through It

At the Susquehanna "River" Archaeological Center - the rivers have always been a big deal. The rivers are the reason that our region is so rich with resources and why even 14,000 years ago, it was a great place to live.

That is also the reason that we wrapped the river into the Woolly Mammoth Exhibit set to be unveiled on April 3rd - because without the meeting of the rivers, we would be just like any other region in the northeast...(which many researchers have mistakenly taken us for !)
As a result, it is not by mistake that the next phase of the exhibit is the river and riverbank.

The following pictures are just the beginning of that part of the exhibit that I am very excited about and thought I'd show you how it is coming along:

Someone asked today me if we were taking donations towards the exhibit - the answer is YES! We have financed all but the tusk and jaw that were donated by the Andaste Chapter with the help of the Allen Pierce Foundation - - so we can use all the help we can get!

You can mail donations to:

SRAC Woolly Mammoth Exhibit
PO Box 12
Sayre, PA 18840

or use the following button to donate online:

SRACis a 501(c)3 - and a non-profit organization
This means that appropriate donations to SRAC are tax deductible!

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