SRAC's Ted Keir (shown here with Macy Waschezen and Sarah Brown) turns 90 this year |
(WAVERLY, NY) The Susquehanna River Archaeological Center (SRAC) annual Giving Campaign is currently underway. The Center which is located at 345 Broad Street in Waverly, NY recently celebrated their 10th year and has approximately 300 members and operates totally on a volunteer staffing. The Center does not accept state or federal funding and relies on donations as a major portion of the funds that keep their organization alive. Some other interesting facts about the Center include that they are open 5 days a week year round, have had their artifacts and research published in NY and PA scientific journals, national magazines, and books, it houses thousands of local artifacts found by collectors in our region, university grad students have used SRAC as a resource for thesis work, and that two of the three SRAC Co-Founders Ted Keir and Dick Cowles both do tours each week at the Center and will be turning 90 this year.
SRAC’s Deb Twigg added, “SRAC has become an important place for not only collectors and researchers, but also for locals who now have a museum that celebrates our local prehistoric and Native American past through archaeology available right here in their own back yard. But we are a young organization with no large endowment or savings account yet, and we literally work to survive monthly at this point. That’s why I hope people support our mission and our efforts by donating what they can during our campaign this year. We could not possibly survive without it.”
Items for Resale: Certain items donated to SRAC (non artifact donations!) can be resold by SRAC to raise funds. Please call SRAC today at 607-565-7960 if you have household items, lawn items, vehicles, or other items we can resell to raise funds. You will receive a donation letter with the amount raised for you to claim on next years taxes!
Donations made to are tax deductible and can be made online at
www.sracenter.org/donate or mailed to SRAC, PO box 12, Sayre, PA 18840.