That is what Sayre’s H. Austin Snyder Elementary 4th grade experienced during their field trip to the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center (SRAC) in Waverly, NY recently. The field trip broke the class into four teams that rotated through several stations such as the one hosted by SRAC’s Ted Keir who presented “Hunting the Woolly Mammoth” with actual mammoth and mastodon remains, an atlatl and many other ancient artifacts that were found locally. At another station, SRAC’s Dick Cowles presented “Early European Contact”
where the children saw actual trade beads and trade pipes and an authentic birch bark canoe while being allowed to identify many actual furs including one from a huge buffalo. SRAC’s Jack Andrus wore Native American clothing and told authentic Native American children’s stories that always are a huge hit with the students.
But the excitement didn’t stop there. The field trip finale was a contest where each of four teams tried to stump the other teams with questions about things they had learned with the winning team being awarded free tickets to the upcoming “Bears on Broad Street” to be held August 13th and 14th.
SRAC’s cofounder and executive director Deb Twigg noted, “This is the 6th year that SRAC has hosted the fourth grade field trip for Snyder’s 4th grade, and I have to say that I think this year was absolutely the best to date. You don’t get any better than having Ted, Dick and Jack doing these stations, and the contest at the end was a really well thought out effort by all of the kids. We were all really impressed with the things they learned and used to try to stump the other teams. They all did a great job. We want to thank Robin Munn and the rest of the teachers who helped make this a special memory for their students with us.”